Salam to all...
Hey there,for today's post i juz wanna talk about today...well its not actually talk its actually type...yeah,okay so it begins with a dream...yeah,its a dream...i dreamt about there were a few people on a stage including me...we were standing in a line coz to me it seems like we're gonna do a performance..then suddenly there was one girl sang my dear Demi Lovato song Skyscrapper,rupe-rupenye it was my phone sang skyscrapper with my sis sitting beside me,i think she wanted to wake me up at that time...yela,kan subuh!!!
huhu...ok,then i pon solat la kan...mmg subuh gajah fwen pon ckp kalu subuh da quater to 7 to da mcm trok..rpeny i lgi trok dri diorg...shame of me kan?x malu btol...cmne nak msok syurga ni ???!!!
Then after dress up n breakfirst i went to my driving class...huhu...actually yesterday i told my teacher that i would like to drive on da road with other teacher...yela,like my fwen la kan...then he just said "bole2"...skali hamek kaw,trial test for on da road punye...tetel ak kat ctu...huhu...Ya Allah,i was juz like TOTALLY can't believe what the instructure told me.. he juz said "ok today we're gonna do a trial test for on da road"...and then my jaw was opened and i was like "WHAT?!"...x pela,bwk jela....
with the magic word of Bismillahirrahmanirrahim i drove the first he was like "ok,sye x nk ckp pape,kalu sye kate jln A,jln A je awk pegi" but then alhamdulillah adela tolong sket2...huhu...cme kslhn yg ayid x dpt trime smpy skrg which is kslhn mandatori is traffic light...ayid slh tgk traffic light la...apela ayid ni...cuai btol!!!
then after doing the bukit,parking and 3 penjuru we went home...bile da arrive i thought i was juz gonna have a nap,then mmg terlajak habes r...i slept at about 1 lbih and bgun 4:30....ASTAGHFIRULLAH mmg ntah ke mane ntah zohor ayid...mmg ari ni x tau r nape pnad sgt...istighfar byk2...Ya Allah,ampunilah dosa hambamu ini (T^T)
Then mlm tu my mom,brother and me went to masjid...sje2 nk crik phale...huhu...miss musollah so much u know...time abes bce yassin ayid nk letk balek yassin tu kat rak die,skali nmpk mcm brsepah tau,lps tu ayid tringt kat mktb dlu kalu al-quran or yassin x trssusun ktorg slmbe je brsile ke ape ke kat situ smbil susun...huhu...tibe2 trbyg kat Wan Malihan plak,vice pres BADAR ktorg dlu,die mmg rjin bab susun2 al-quran n yassin kat surau..huhu...alhamdulillah...
when i was performing isyak prayer scare brjemaah,i was at the end of the saaf,beside me was a little young girl and beside her was her sister,a little girl...and beside the little girl was a lady...then at that time i thought that the small kid was okay,then she ran away from the saaf so da mcm ad lobang kat saaf i was like 'oh God please juz pease send us some persons x kesh la wlupon she juz came out of nowhere ke ape yg pnting die bleh sempurnakn balek saaf tu...kalu x ak bertawakkal Ya Allah'..........
Then suddenly magic and miracle happened...suddenly there were this akak came out of nowhere pnohkan saaf yg kosong tu...there were two of them,one pnuhkn yg lompong tu another one solat kat sbelah ayid...Alhamdulillah, see,kan ayid da ckp...only Allah who holds the key of magic and miracle...anything can happen with His permission...huhu...
so the moral of today's TALE are :
- always believe in urself that u can do it and Allah will always be there wif u and always there for u
-believe that Allah is Great,anything impossible can happen...ssungguhnye hanye Dia je yg Maha Mendengar n Maha Mengetahui
juz that sntpn korg utk kali ini....see ya! Salam <3
by :
el-Abi Bakri :)
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