Salam to all...
haha,alhamdulillah i've juz graduated from matrix melaka which also known as kmm,well its not officilly graduated actually...anyway for the future student of kmm let me tell u a bit about it...
b4 that juz wanna remind u yg starting from matrix u'll face challenges,big challenges out u gotta be prepared,be STRONG,really really STRONG...coz life in matrx is starting to get tough...u will cry a lot,hurt a lot,loose hope a lot,often feels wanna this is a preliminary step for u to face a more tougher and challenging world out be a new person n STAY STRONG ok :D alwez believe and hav faith in Allah...
seriously i can't admit tht i often felt like lemah smgt,x da mood nk blaja,mls yg brpnjgn tnpa sebab..huhu..korg msti prnh denga yg psl lepsn matrix ade yg dpt course lelong kan...guess what yg dpt course lelong tu pasai depa dpt CGPA bwh 3.5,cek x tipu...nk tau ape 'prove' yg bole myakinkn korg?
-kwn cek mse kakak die kawen ade la 1 tetamu ni mai jumpa dia tanye awk mhn ape utk upu?pstu die tanye pointer...bdk tu pointr die dlm 3.3X cmtu la...pstu die kate "baik hang bwt btui2 utk sem 2 ni sbb kalu x dpt 3.5 nnt tkot dpt course lelong"..lbih kurg cmtu la ckp die...rupe2ny org tu cam ad kne-mgena la psl upu smue2 ni...
-ari tu cek pi la skola mnengah cek nk amek sjil spm pstu ad cekgu tu tanye pointr lps 3.5 x? then kwn cek tu ckp "alhamdulillah stakt ni lps la"..pstu cekgu tu ckp "sbb realitinye kalu bdk mtrx x dpt 3.5 depa akn dpt courde lelong"...hehe
haa...tu la consequencesnye bile korg choose to continue ur studies in matrx igt ye 1stly korg kne sntiasa dl keadaan bermotivasi (bkn bermotiBASI ye ank2ku..huhu)...kalu tbe2 rse mcm down or lemah smgt je cpt2 call mak ayh minx smgt or jmpe/call kwn yg bole dpercayai..ok :)
seriously,wlupon korg dpt brape ribu A pon mse spm korg kne jgk bkerja kers utk score kat matrx ni sbb korg blaja x smpy stahun pon...10 bulan je..
kalu lepas korg abes blaja kat kuliah je balek tu ptg-mlm korg kne teros bwt tutorial..kalu x phm tros tanye cekgu2 kat situ...byase abes klas dlm 4.30 bdk2 ad yg pegi unit jmpe cekgu tanye ap yg x phm...lps tu mse tutorial n kuliah hrus fokus,kalu ngantok ke kalu perlu utk pegi toilet cuci muka juz go la sbb ths is based on ayid punye experience gak la,ayid ni jenis yg kuat tdo tau lg2 mse sem 1 kat dlm kuliah..mmg asyik tdo je...tu yg dpt 3.58 je...pstu sem 2 ayid rse ayid byk maen n ske amek smbil lewa je..x tau r exam result cmne nnt..ayid still brhrp to Allah and still brdoa...korg doakn ayid tau..huhu..rsau sgt,kalu bole above 3.5 ,,,huhu,,,,amin3............
so seng kate korg kne always pay attention,mmg la penat sket tp penat korg yg 10 bulan ni la akn mmbwtkan korg rilek spnjg idop...x tipu,btol...
jadi korg kne byk korban kan ape2 yg ptot k...korban kan la komik,game,tdo korg...bla..bla..bla...kalu skali skale nk mlayan tu bole la utk release tension kan..huhu
study,study gak tp ape2 aktiviti yg kolej anjurkan kalu bole join la sbb serously even korg igt ala stakat aktiviti smbut hri kmerdekaan ape la sgt seriously korg mmg rugi kalu x join...sbb for example la kan activity smbut independence day time ktorg there were fire crackers and we sang a few malaysia patriotic songs togethr which an experience tht insyaAllah i'll never ever 4get...cherish da fun momments frend wif the right person,the person tht can help u...mksud ayid bkn tinggalkn org yg can't help u but help them instead...
amek pgalmn kat c tu sbb alhamdulillah i've learnt a lot from my frens especially in how to be a HUMAN...huhu